John Family

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy 2010!!

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

Of course I'm always forgetting about updating this blog but I will really try to do better! We had a very nice Christmas with the John side over in Central Oregon in Eagle Crest. Hannah really had a lot of fun this year opening all of her presents. We all stayed there through the weekend and it was very relaxing and good family time.

The weekend before Christmas the Spaulding side came over and we did Christmas then with them!

We are all happy and healthy, hoping the start of the new year finds you all the same.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fall is here...

We've had a busy and fun Fall, filled with lots of traveling and spending time with family. Back in September we took a trip to Bandon Dunes with the John side of the family, it was beatiful weather and of course the guys got in some golf! We also made it to a Seahawks game which was fun but unfortunately they lost.

In October we took a trip to Eagle Crest with the John family and others from Hagan Hamilton, and enjoyed a nice fall weekend over in Central Oregon.

We have spent some time over there also with the Spaulding side, Hannah and I have gone over during the week, and then just this past weekend we went as a family.

For Halloween Hannah was a little flower, we didn't do the candy thing we let Hannah hand it out at home. There have been many other thing we've done but those are the jist of them.

Hannah is all over the place now we are trying our hand at running and jumping! She is enjoying her freedom and keeping us busy! She is also talking much more and understanding more that we give her credit for.

Jason is doing well, last week he had some sort of nasty bug, maybe the H1n1 but just lots of rest and fluids, and he was back to normal within a few days. Hannah and I haven't seemed to get it so far, we'll keep praying that we don't.

Well there's a little update on our family hope you all are enjoying this fall time!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Big weekend for Hannah

Well it was quite the weekend for Hannah, she took a few steps on her own! YAY! Now I know that many people say I will be sorry for wishing for her to walk but I really can't wait! I am probably wishing for this because I think she will enjoy playing outside much more, right now she crawls on anything and comes is with bruises and scrapes thats not so fun.
Anyway she tooks her 1st steps towards Jason, he had ice cream and she wanted a bite so bad. Since then she has done it a couple of more times!
She also started giving kisses. She has been blowing kisses for awhile when people leave but now she kisses on the lips, it's so cute!
She is just amazing us more and more everyday, repeating words that we say, and she makes animal sounds as well. Her two most consistant ones are sounds for a bear and cat, and her growl is quiet the growl.
Other than Hannahs' accomplishments we were kindof lazy this weekend. My brother came and spent Friday night with us which was fun, and then for Sunday we did nothing! Hannah even let us sleep in til almost 9! So we got to relax and now ready for the week ahead.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

My 14 month old

I love being a mom, and am just amazed by all of the changes and developments she goes through everyday. I guess what really amazed me yesterday is I asked her if she was hungry and she nodded her head yes and crawled over to her highchair. We've never used the word hungry consistantly, usually we ask if she is ready to "eat". I have found that over the past few weeks she is following commands if I ask her to find her baby she knows, and of course when I say it's nap time she says no.

Last weekend my friend Lindsey came up to visit and has Ava who is 3 weeks older than Hannah. Although there is quite a size difference they still had a lot of fun playing. They would want to share but then of course take it back and that didn't go over so well, but they really had fun. We even took the girls out to lunch and they were just great! We had a great time with another kid around and they next day Hannah went looking all over the house trying to find Ava.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ok so I'm actually posting more than once this week! Life is going good for us, this past weekend we were at my parents, for a wedding. And then this week we have been staying close to the air conditioning, it's quite warm outside!
Hannah has been learning to get into everything including dumping out a bag of flour and unrolling all the toilet paper in the house! She is one quick little girl and not even walking yet.
Tonight we went up to Jason's parents house for a BBQ we had lots of great food, and had fun visiting with everyone! And of course Hannah kept all us all very entertained!
Hope you are all having a great week!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Summer Time!

Well we have had a great summer so far! And I refuse to say that summer is almost over, since I am not on school schedual my summer is still on! Hannah turned 1 in June, and we had a great birthday celebration with family. July brought warm weather, campmeeting and good-byes to my youngest brother Rian who headed to Pohnpei to be a student missionary. Now we are in August and we've spent more time with family, attended weddings and Jason got to go fishing!

Hannah is 14 months old now, she is changing so much everyday! She has become very proficient in blowing kisses, saying "Hi" and climbing on everything! Though she is not walking on her own yet, she can get anywhere she wants to be, I'm sure walking is right around the corner.

Again I will try and keep up better at this blog, and here are some more recent pictures from this summer!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring Time!!

So there are a few months to catch up on! In March we got to go on a trip with Jasons parents to Arizona. It was great we got to stay at the Phonecian Resort in Scottsdale. The resort was amazing, Jason and Dad got to do some golfing, then Mom and I got to head to the spa! We spent lots of time enjoying the warm weather by the pool, and getting to do a little shopping in Old Town Scottsdale. Hannah did great on the trip and we all had a great time, we really needed the warm weather!

Playing with Grandpa J.

Swimming with Dad

Our view from our balcony. Hannah preferred the chairs to the pool.

Yes she likes dill pickles!

Here we are at the end of our trip, we had a great trip!